The Deck - Manage your day!

The Deck is a faster way to manage your To-Do's, Sales Process, Jobs in ques and more … It makes the painful tasks fun!!

From our experience when using business tools, staff become overwhelmed with the huge collection of To-dos, Sales Opportunities and Jobs. What happens is that reminders are ignored along with alot of other inportant alerts. This leads to the business tools becoming pointless and users going back their own developed systems.

Our plan was to make it easier, faster and more fun for your staff. By using the Deck (of cards) your staff will enjoy working while you - the owner- get the results you need.

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Deck of Tasks

At the beginning of the day, users can open up creataCRM and see their To-dos via the Deck. Users can then Drag and Drop the Tasks to Tomorrow or any day of the week. Even to next week. This speeds up organising yourself - its 100 times faster we feel.

Features include:

  • Drag & Drop tasks into the day of the week that is your preference.
  • Pop-up Detail button to add notes
  • Goto Task Button
  • Complete Button
  • Customise your fields in Detail view
  • Order the sequence of your day

Deck of Jobs

The Deck of Jobs allow users to review all the open jobs on the system that they (and other users) are assigned to. It gives users a faster way to move the job through the stages. By using the 'drag' feature, simply manage jobs alot quicker.

Features include:

  • Drag & Drop jobs to the desired stage.
  • Pop up details button.
  • Goto job.
  • Customise fields in detail view.

We believe this system will liberate you. Heck, it liberates us in our office!! We love it. We are excited to be launching this technology. Be liberated today!